Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Blues and Prince

Polu and Maryness had their debut at PSG and came home with an excellent score. I won't mention the score or location, but it was one of the highest that day and they were just below first place. We all thought Polu was much more of what you wanted to see. He was far more consistent, his departures were crisper. LL was very disappointed that he didn't bring home the blue. She knew the judge personally and felt the judge knew exactly who deserved the winning score. I was pleased and thought LL was acting a little out of context. She (LL) pulled the judge aside later in the day to discuss in detail as to why Polu received the score he did and what was lacking in comparison to the first place horse. LL refused to give me all the details. Maybe as reason for me to seek another trainer? I'm not sure really. She did however say a handful of things like "slighty drops on the fore in downward transitions," "Is not coming under himself enough."

I had my first real proud moment though. Maryness was doing a great job and Polu looked fantastic. LL was being a bit harsh. She explained that we must work harder to get him going stronger so next time, it's the blue instead of the red. LL didn't stop at Polu, she thought Maryness needed some more fine-tuning in execution of the aids too.

Days later, at home again, Polu had gotten a few days off to relax after his good efforts. But it was quickly back to work. LL insisted to Maryness she (LL) ride him 3 days a week to get him up to where he needed to be. Polu was being worked 3 times a week, at twice a day, with three other days once a day and then a day off, usually Sunday. It was a demanding schedule, but Polu was becoming a serious contender for Grand Prix.

After a month of so of LL riding him, she allowed Maryness to resume her regular schedule but also insisted she ride with some well-known trainers throughout the country (and beyond) to hone her riding. LL was very demanding and very persistent in her requests.

I was visiting Polu on a daily basis to ensure everything was up to my standards. Lets get a couple things clear. The riding and training of Polu was taken extremely serious and was being done to a very high standard. That is after all why I was not riding him anymore. But I refuse to have a hair out of place. Polu was to be bathed, groomed, hand-walked (on his off day and 1/day rides), etc everyday. I at times, found it very annoying to see my horse slightly dirty after a ride. The grooms would do a decent job post ride to put him away clean, but I was not satisfied. In addition to his strict training regime, he was also on a strict grooming schedule. Here is what it looked like:

* Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Bathed in a special Grade "A" moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
* Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Bathed in coat color enhancing shampoo.
* Sunday - Bathed in a dandruff shampoo.

I checked amounts daily to ensure the grooms were using the correct amount and actually doing the job. One day I came to find Polu not bathed. I tracked down said Groom, Androu, to ask him why exactly Polu had yet to be bathed. He responded apologetic and explained that they were running 10 minutes behind as a load of yearlings had come in and they needed to get them settled.

"I understand you are busy Androu, we all are, but Polu should be first on your list."

I offered him an extra $50 to get to the job first as Groom B (regularly scheduled groom) was not as detailed. With this extra tip, I expected Androu to attend to Polu first, always.

LL refused to allow Androu to groom Polu as he was the best groom she had and he was reserved for her horses only. Groom B was for the clients. I had to go about getting Androu to groom my horse behind LL's back, which was relatively easy. But nevertheless, these annoyances like mentioned above, we sometimes unavoidable.

Enough about the grooming though..

Recently, when I arrived at the barn, LL had something waiting for me. She said to come by her office as soon as I got there. I pulled into the parking lot, walked through the courtyard to her office, which was on the backside of the barn.

When I turned the corner, I saw a cute horse standing at her side. He was cute, but small and frankly a little distant from the Polu, of my dreams.

"Elizabeth, meet Prince. He is our newest addition. An imported German Warmblood, just came in yesterday."

"He is cute, a little small."

"Yes he is small. He stands 15.3(hh). But he is a great mover for his size."

"Whose is he?"

"Well, I know how much you miss Polu..."

"Wait, wait, wait.." Putting my hand down in a stopping motion.

"I never said I wanted another horse LL."

"Elizabeth, you need to ride. Polu is on the fast track and I don't want to see you get left behind."

Wait..was that a sign of empathy from LL? No... Couldn't have been...

LL handed me the lead-line. Tiny Prince calm stood at the end, waiting for direction.

"Trust me Elizabeth, you'll like Prince. He is just up your ally."

LL walked away smiling. I was unsure what this gesture really meant. But I thought I'd give Prince a try..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blues Both Ways

I agreed to have Mary-ness ride Polu. - She was to train with LL on a regular basis. I was invited to be there to share my input as horse owner, but not encouraged. There is a difference. - It was that, or no Dressage trainer would touch him. LL was well-known, well-respected. I had to look past my selfish desires, overcoming my intense dreams to one day ride Polu through Grand Prix myself, to now submitting to an overly talented, young, ambitious Dressage rider who was more close to perfect than one could imagine. It was heart wrenching, depressing and internally I felt extremely disappointed in myself.

I mustered up the courage and energy to watch Polu travel far better than he ever had through Mary-ness' riding. It was true, my riding was doing nothing for his future. I watched the weekly sessions, watched the clinics, over only 6 short weeks, Polu was on track for his near-future debut at Prix St. Georges.

LL began to comfort me in a way which was almost uncomfortable.

"Mary-ness is doing such a nice job, wouldn't you say."

Only it wasn't said as a question. LL was not interested in my opinion, only that she kept me content enough to stay quiet. This required occasional, buttery, slathering talks that were meant to make me feel better about my decision that she knew was ripping me up. LL was also aware that I was the type of owner, that if someone tempted me too, I would throw away chances at Grand Prix just to make sure she didn't over-come my role and take my horse away from me. I would only allow so much of me to be taken advantage of.

One very warm and sunny afternoon, after a quiet, solo session I was observing with Mary-ness, she asked me if I would be interested to step aboard my dear Polu. I was stunned and shocked. I sat there in my chair inside the indoor arena, near silent for a minute.

"Are you sure, I don't want to ruin your hard work?"

"Oh don't be silly. Polu knows you. He knows when it's me or someone else up there. A nice pleasure ride won't hurt him!"

"If LL knew I did this, she would be very upset.."

"Trust me. LL won't be ack until tomorrow, so don't worry!"

I quickly darted to me car to grab my boots and breeches, ran to the restroom in the barn and darted back out to the indoor. I slowed to a calm, in-charge walk so Mary-ness wouldn't think I was too desperate for a ride.

I grabbed the reins, griped them in my hand with a little mane and mounted up. I missed the feel of the reins and seeing Polu from atop his back. His ears always thinking, but consistently on his rider.

Mary-ness stepped away and encouraged us forward...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Impulsion. Plus Frustration.

The last weeks have been interesting. I am now horse owner, limited rider. Lady Levad is pleased, that has been the main benefit. Although, I have to say that Polu is working better than ever. That is a benefit. Not for me though.

I am a small bit bitter regarding this small, er, large factual piece of evidence. It's clear that LL and her colleague know what they are doing, no doubt. But I, sit side-lined from atop my dream horse. It is depressing. I contemplate as Polu swiftly moves across the arena with, Mary-ness (the colleague) aboard. He is moving like never before. Flawless 3 tempi's, coming along 2-tempi's and an occasional introduction of the 1 tempi's. Polu is moving through them with more desire and more detail. I feared that this and the crisp-ness of the prioutte's would be the most difficult. I lose impulsion myself when the second-half of the piroutte is about. I cannot get him to power through it, everything seems to fall apart during that last half and we scower out with failure. LL says this is another one of my faults as a rider. I can ask, but I cannot see it through. I'm easily frustrated when it's not perfect. Perfection is limited with horses, as we are always schooling, always working for it, to only find, it never comes without the constant little frustrations and minute details that are just following you like a dark cloud. You accomplish one thing and lose another. It's an art to perfect this type of riding.

I sit with my hands folded on the chair directly next to the ring. I quickly glance at my watch to see it's quarter to five. I should be on my way now, but I just don't quite want to leave Polu. Despite my lack of desire to groom my horse myself (there are a reason why grooms exsist), or attempt to wash his frothy and sweaty mess of a coat post ride, I do like to see him comfortable. I like to know he gets back to his stall with fresh shavings, water and hay as well as an apple or carrot. It's his reward for a job well done, despite my inabilities. It's also peace of mind. Because, I trust little to no-one with my horse. So, I like to make sure for my own eyes, that these details are taken care of. No one has the same desire to see my horse comfortable like I do, it appears. LL feels that a treat is unnecessary and shouldn't be given, despite accomplishments during the ride. They invite spoiling and other naughty behaviors that are not worth our pleasure of feeding our horses "treats."

Here I sit. Mary-ness begins to stretch and cool-out Polu as LL struts over to her side to discuss the ride. Her ever-so loud and demanding voice, with that dramatic accent can be heard clearly where I sit. I listen closely as she compliments the ride and how well the lovely grey horse did under her guidance. She invites her to take Polu on loan and suggests that she continue on to train for the up-coming show.

"You do so well with him. You must continue as he is top level material and you will be a rider to get him there. This is an oppurtunity for you as, Elizabeth is not the rider to achieve that. She will sponsor you to ride him, I am sure. There is no other better option for an owner of a horse like this."

Mary, under the brim of her ball-cap, glances over very quickly in my direction. I pretend to be working on my phone, while in actuality, I am listening intently.

"I would like to, so long as this is what Ms. Massey wants... I just sold my Grand Prix horse off, so this would be a nice horse to work with while I'm bringing up the babies."

I can see a clear smile as LL finishes..

"Good. Elizabeth has no option, she knows the horses potential. She would be very silly not to seek this out. I doubt anyone would respect her decision as horse owner, to continue to ride him herself."

It's in this moment, I am realizing, owning this expensive horse means little to LL. I am mearly an obstacle she must over-come to achieve the status she wants and knows she can with my horse. I feel even more frustrated.

He is my dream horse.